Humans have been using wood for thousands of years in buildings, furnishings, tools, musical instruments, decorations, wallcoverings, flooring and more. The right wood can bring natural beauty, durability and a warm feel to your environment. How do you choose the right wood for your project?
Choosing the right wood is about more than just the color of the wood. In fact, there are several factors to consider when deciding on SanFoot wood walls, including wood quality, type, grain patterns, finishes, face cuts, and textures.
Wood Qualities
The best quality of timber comes from mature trees. Its color should be deep and shiny, and it should have a fresh smell. Fibers should be firm, straight and compact, capable of retaining its shape and structural integrity as it’s seasoned and treated. It should reflect a clear ringing sound rather than a dull or heavy sound, which can indicate decay or rot. Narrow annual rings indicate tougher timber and an ability to withstand shocks and structural loads.
Face Cuts
Lumber that is used for veneer is sliced into thin sheets called flitches. The slicing method dictates the final look of the veneer. With a rotary cut, the log is cut or peeled, yielding veneer with a broad grain pattern. Quarter slicing yields straight, flaked or varied stripe patterns. Plain slicing is a cut straight through the log to create a distinct figure. Rift cut veneer is used to minimize the ray flake effect and create a similar look as the rift cut in oak.
The way the real wood veneer is cut can give you numerous matching options for visual rhythm and continuity. SanFoot wood walls can be matched in a wide range of sequences for a variety of visual effects. In book matching, alternate veneers are flipped to face one another much like the pages of a book for a symmetrical pattern. When the veneer is slip-matched, it is joined in a sequence without flipping. Veneer can also be matched according to grain or visual interest patterns or even randomly.
Choosing Wood for Your Project
You have so many options when it comes to types of wood for furnishings, wallcoverings and other home or office projects. How can you narrow down those options?
Each type of wood has characteristics as unique as the tree it comes from. When planning a project, it’s critical that you choose the right materials. Mahogany, Walnut, Red Oak and Ash are all popular woods for solid wood furniture thanks to their ease of use, appearance, and popularity. Walnut, Maple, and Oak are often used in construction. Nearly any wood, including exotic wood species, can be used in a veneer. A veneer is sliced wafer thin and adhered to a firm, dense backing. The veneer can then be used to make furniture, wall coverings or other items.
About Jacaranda, Inc.
For more than four decades, Jacaranda, Inc. has been offering high-quality wood, real wood veneer and wood products to transform your living space. Our SanFoot real wood wallcovering and veneer sheets are available in more than 100 common, recon and exotic wood species and a wide range of cuts, colors, patterns and configurations. We’re committed to environmentally friendly practices and are FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Certified and a proud member of the U.S. Green Building Council. Contact us today to learn more about Jacaranda’s veneer sheets.